Helping the Seals
If you see a seal that may be abandoned, thin or ill call:
British Divers Marine Life Rescue RESCUE HOTLINE:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm:
Out of office hours and Bank Holidays
07787 433412
Care: Seals can give nasty bites
The team at Blackwater Vets work in close collaboration with the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) to assist seals and seal pups found stranded on the beaches of Mersea.
Most members of our team have qualified as Marine Mammal Medics.
Our knowledge of seal physiology, first aid and safe rescue techniques allows Blackwater Vets to be a primary lifeline on Mersea Island for the seal colonies off our shores.
If a seal or seal pup is reported as stranded to our practice, trained staff members will retreive it from the shoreline and bring it back to the practice.
Veterinary first aid will be given to support life until the relevant rescue organisation is able to collect the seal or seal pup and take it to one of their rescue facilities for continuing care.
Often there is a happy ending, with many of these seals being nurtured back to health and then re-released back into the wild colonies living off of our English coasts.

2 Mill Road, West Mersea
Colchester, Essex
Did you know? ..Blackwater Vets is one of only just a few veterinary practices in the Colchester region that hold cat friendly clinic status?